5 Factors to Consider When Putting a Team Together
June 9, 2018
Five minds are better than one. Having a team to support you while fundraising, no matter how many there are, helps you accomplish your goals. Here is what you should be thinking about when recruiting people to be on your team:
- Diversity- have them come from different schools and different towns. They will help you get the word out to more people
- Age- try to get a mix of different age groups
- Skill Set- look for people that can help in different areas. Some can be great networkers, others could be creative, and others can write well.
- Numbers- there is no optimum number of teammates you can have. It just depends on what you are trying to accomplish, just make sure you have enough people to help fulfill your goals
- Parents/Adults- don’t forget about this important group. They have their own network, make sure you take advantage of it
Have fun making a Change 4 Good!